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Step 1. Get Your Goal-Completing System

My clients go from being angry and disgusted with themselves to energetic, accomplished, and focused on accomplishing their goals by using just 3 easy questions that I’m going to share with you in my free download below.

Congratulations on being on your way to accomplishing your goals! You are about to get the game plan that you need to succeed.


Get the free download

  • Improve your goal-achieving ability
  • Help you get motivated
  • Get energetically focused on achieving your goal

Step 2: Living from your heart blueprint

I’m Miche Lame’ and I too used to feel trapped, running on that hamster wheel, trying to be what my mom wanted, and that wore me out! Finally, I connected with myself, looked at what I was passionate about and my friends confirmed what I had discovered- they knew I was a counselor – a servant for people – so I finally pursued my calling, my passion, and purpose. Been doing that and have helped hundreds and hundreds of people and now you’re next – you have the opportunity to work with me with this program I found my way off of the hamster wheel and out of the cage. I can help you as I’ve helped hundreds of others find their way to a more energized, connected, more joyful life – a life with purpose where you are honoring the gift you have to provide the world. Stop just going in circles, trapped in the hamster cage, doing what you’re told to do, feeling unlovable, losing contact with who you really are by fitting into someone else’s trap – Because once you gain a connection with who you really are, your true self, knowing you’re lovable, good enough- divine- the whole world opens up. You have a way off of that wheel and out of the cage!

The way you break free, reconnect, reenergize finally moving forward is to begin opening yourself up to the world of possibility you always knew existed today.

I have the answer for you in my Living from Your Heart Blueprint and have included some of the information in a series of training videos and PDFs that you only get on this page in a special discounted offer just for new clients.

What you will learn in – The Living from Your Heart Blueprint

1. How to start making room for joy so you feel inner happiness. The feeling of joy. How to connect with inner happiness-Use visualization to create more joy.

2. Connect with your heart so you can be at peace. Get a heart connection meditation-Learn how to live from your heart center. Know how to connect with your heart anytime!

3. Attract and Build Healthy Relationships. What a healthy relationship looks like-How to change a current relationship. How to attract a healthy relationship

If you want to have a great life of purpose, love, joy and fulfillment, then this blueprint is for you. At a small investment of only $17, it starts you on the steps to looking at your life in a different way, where you are now, and where you want to go.


Step 3: Sign up for my course

This is not a course that will introduce you to working through your childhood wounds or how your parents raised you. It is not therapy. It’s a course of skills to improve and transform your own thoughts and behavior to ones that are empowering – which in turn improves your communication and connection with yourself and others. 


What you can expect from this course: learn skills to calm down, lowering your anxiety and to recognize when you are heading toward depression, how to avoid it or get out of it so you can have a joyful life. We will also examine behavior cycles and what we can do to avoid bad life patterns. Want to connect with your true, eternal self and find what your passions are? I can show you how to do that! 


All this you can discover in this course. It’s very tight, comprehensive and it does have some homework with worksheets for you to do to assist your growth outside of the course time. 


Normally this course costs $897 but I am offering a one time price of $497 just for you!rd and we will meet once a week, for 5 weeks, via zoom.   


Let’s get you moving towards a life of joy-register now for your spot in my workshop!