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Posted on February 16, 2025

There is a part of us that never dies - the soul. That makes us all eternal. It is that part of us that knows on some level that we are all connected.  Science now proves that our energy is connected.  And, our soul is always connected to the Divine, our Creator, and is our true self. These bodies are only the cars we drive while in this plane of existence.

And, why are we here being souls driving our physical bodies? This is like a big school and we have all chosen to be here in this school to have certain experiences and to accomplish a goal, our sacred contract on our life path. And when we step off that path towards our life goal, our reason for being here, we are referred back to our contract in some way to remember what we wanted to accomplish in this life.

Being here does not mean that things are always easy, yet we can still create heaven on earth and assist ourselves and every being in our holographic world in ascending through love and joy. I personally think that each of us has greatness inside and when we are authentic, acting from our soul, we help all ascend. It’s like we raise the energetic vibration around us and that raises the vibration of those around us also, or they can’t stay in our energetic field.

Not everyone is here to be a Mother Theresa or a Gandhi. Some of us are here to be the programmers, the garbage collectors, the teachers - everyone is needed to make this work. It’s a flow of energy that we are doing our best to raise the vibration of.

So connect with your soul. There are plenty of meditations out there and if you can’t find one you like, feel free to contact me. It helps to allow yourself to feel connected with the Divine, and celebrate the earth around us. Connecting raises your vibration more than studying how to connect. Connecting with your soul is the way to be authentic and live your purpose, contributing to the ascension of us all.


soul with colors and person